Current Issue

Volume 45, 7

Frankenstein Urbanism through the lens of feminist technoscience

The City after Property: A conversation on critical geographies of race and property

Lively cities: a review in the minor key

A People’s Guide to the San Francisco Bay Area by Rachel Brahinsky & Alexander Tarr

Right to the City Novels in Turkish Literature from the 1960s to the Present by NB Cengiz

Mean streets: homelessness, public space, and the limits of capital by Don Mitchell

Terraformed by Joy White

Citizens in the “smart city”: participation, co-production, governance by Paulo Cardulla

The power of pragmatism: Knowledge production and social inquiry by Jane Wills & Robert W. Lake

Refugees in new destinations and small cities: resettlement in Vermont by Pablo Bose

Disaster deaths: Trends, causes and determinants by Bimal Kanti Paul

Urban sustainability and justice by Vanesa Castán Broto and Linda Westman

Ecocity, Knowledge city, Smart city by Patrizia Ingallina

Everyday equalities: making multicultures in settler colonial cities by Ruth Fincher, Kurt Iveson, Helga Leitner & Valerie Preston

Alpha city: how London was captured by the super-rich by Rowland Atkinson

Producing and contesting urban marginality edited by Julie Cupples and Tom Slater

Nairobi in the Making by Constance Smith

Taking possession: the politics of memory in a St. Louis town house by Heidi Aronson Kolk

Making transformative geographies by Benedikt Schmid

Migrants and city-making by Ayse Çağlar and Nina Glick Schiller

Food for degrowth edited by Anitra Nelson & Ferne Edwards

Black lives and spatial matters by Jody Rios

The Origins of the Dual City: Housing, Race, and Redevelopment in twentieth century Chicago by Joel Rast

Manufacturing Decline: How racism and the conservative movement crush the American Rust Belt by Jason Hackworth

Garbage Citizenship: Vital infrastructures of labour in Dakar, Senegal by Rosalind Fredericks

Cities in the urban age: a dissent by Robert A. Beauregard

Promises of the Political: Insurgent Cities in a Post-Political Environment by Erik Swyngedouw

Developmentalist cities? Interrogating urban developmentalism in East Asia by Jamie Doucette & Bae-Gyoon Park

Navigating ethnicity: segregation, placemaking, and difference

City Power: Urban Governance in a Global Age by Richard Schragger

Planetary Gentrification by Loretta Lees, Hyun Bang Shin & Ernesto López-Morales

Waste is Information by Dietmar Offenhuber

The Making of Grand Paris by Theresa Enright

The One-Way Street of Integegration by Edward G. Goetz

Gentrifier by John Joe Schlichtman, Jason Patch & Marc Lamont Hill